- Christina: Fifty percent! That?s a lot, isn?t it? 克里斯蒂娜:百分之50!太多了,是不是?
- Bit of a lad is Mr Bryan, running round fancy-free for years. 布赖恩先生真是个放荡不羁的人,多年来优哉游哉,逍遥自在。
- He struck us as a lad who knew his onions. 他给我们的印象是他是一位精明能干的青年。
- Ron's a lad, isn't he? He flirts with all the girls. 罗恩是个放荡不羁的小伙子,对不对?他与所有的女孩调情。
- He's quite a lad/a bit of a lad. 他可是个莽撞家伙.
- The town's changed a lot since I was a lad. 从我幼时至今; 这小城市已有了很大变化.
- Things have changed since I was a lad. 从我幼时至今,一切都发生了变化。
- We lived on a peaceful farm when I was a lad. 当我是个少年时,我们住在一个安和的农场上。
- It’s a fascinating place to visit, isn’t it Callum? Yang Li: To catch the eye 引人注目。
- Childe Fond is a lad, a bit of a lad. 方少爷是个少年。
- He had been a lad of whom something was expected. 他在孩童时代,人家曾对他有所期待。
- He took a life risk to save a lad who wanna to die. 他冒著生命危险救了一个想寻短见的青年。
- There 's a public phone in the hotel foyer . 饭店大厅里有一部公用电话。
- He is flying to the U S A at ten. 他十点钟就要飞往美国。
- This heap of stones will act a s a barrier. 这块大石头将会担当障碍物。
- It"s a prime hunk of real estate. 这是真实时期主要的一大块。
- There 's a big reception at the embassy tonight . 今晚在大使馆有个大型招待会。
- So how do we know it’s a doorbell? 那么我们怎么会认为它是门铃呢?
- Figure 24-7: Here’s a typical bulletin dialog box. 图24-7 这是一个典型的公告对话框,它从来不会由用户发起。
- He' s a child in financial matters. 他在财务方面毫无经验.